“Ah! Now we are guilty you do not provide enough company, “said the second child. “I did not say that ye be to blame for anything. Nor do I see that there is any fault, “said Daniel always keeping the air of innocence with which he began the conversation. Visit website will undoubtedly add to your understanding. “Just I said a great truth. The company that you brings me is almost zero.
Have been made to count how many hours per month, I give each of you or your family? – I guess not, because you never have time for nothing and not going to be losing to this nonsense, right? – “No! – Said the third son in high dudgeon a “Yes, so you now the perpetrators of this madness is us! What audacity! – “I repeat that I never said that you are guilty of anything, but on reflection, something I had not done so far, if you are guilty of not giving me enough attention, but nothing you have not influenced this decision I have taken to marry Teresa. “And may I ask where you met her? – The second son said mockingly. a “In a bar? -” No, I met her at the Bingo-Daniel said, laughing. “No, and I said! A player! – Said the third child. a “An adventuress who has come to fleece you and leave you to your solitude freed once you have done. “What nonsense are you saying, child? – Daniel said angrily when her son drew unfounded conclusions about the woman who would become his wife they liked them or not .- She and I was the first time we went to a Bingo. .