Human Resources Department

For this reason, there has been a change in the powers of the HR process / personal / human capital, from traditional recruitment a much more comprehensive ranging from recruitment to employee loyalty, through internal communication plans careers, training, performance management, among others. In fact, the strategies followed by the Human Resources Department and within the UEB Management Group, which lies a human resource specialist, today instead of human resource management is focusing on the goals human capital management, identifying workers in the new acquisition organization must attract, develop and retain. Table 4.5 below shows the composition of the insertion of UEB employees from companies that were restructuring defined by regulations issued by the Governing Body (MICONS) for each of the companies involved, and totaled for each annual period, which clearly reflects the total annual faster turnaround of human resources defined during Stage 4 of reference to chapter 4.1, Table 4.1, until close of December / 2007, with a total of 475 workers assimilation.

Table 4.5. Distribution of workers absorbed by Comercializadora Z from the Restructuring of MICONS. Source: Close in December 2007. From the above table and Table 4.6 below, it is necessary to an analysis of human capital as a fundamental variable to the transformations that define the current situation of the company with the integration of new workers, of which 30.74% are Specialists in Commercial Management C and 35% are dependent on Warehouse, Longshoreman and Warehouse Manager, which together define the 65.74% of the total labor input to the company, which are part of the activities in the supply chain of materials to construction works in the country, variable which has many aspects of measurement, but from the samples could be obtained, this issue should be discussed in salary, educational level, work experience and know-how, which will be ground for comparative analysis with respect to the situation human resources in Phase 4 in order to describe more fully the impact of the situation of Human Capital in the fundamental problem of this research the requirements Delays in material supplies Constructive Works.

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