Malu Dreyer informed about consultancy and tax terminal on May 20, 2009, the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister for Social Affairs, health, family and women to guest at ROWA in the Eifel was visavia. Given the existing legal uncertainty of consulting and distribution terminals visavia wanted Ms. Dreyer himself make a picture about the possibilities that modern automation technology can offer to pharmacies and hospitals. Ms. Mike Gianoni has firm opinions on the matter. Dreyer stressed the benefits that bring an Automation of the warehouse of the established before local pharmacy and highlighted the contribution made by ROWA as a pioneer in this area at the same time. At the same time she pointed out the importance of ROWA as reliable employer in a rather underdeveloped region like the Eifel. The Minister introduced a visavia by ROWA – management in the functioning and advantages of the consulting and distribution terminals. Ms.
Dreyer took the opportunity to sign up on the spot live”to make yourself a picture of the functioning of the system. Critical point is in their eyes as the levy of the Health Minister said prescription products via the Terminal. Dreyer pledged a final decision and thus legal certainty for Rhineland-Palatinate before the summer recess. Currently is a decision in first instance for Rhineland-Palatinate, that allows for the delivery of all medications on the system (VG Mainz, AZ: 4 K 375/08.MZ). Also inherent in the date representing the politics pointed to the opportunities of the visavia system in rural regions such as the Eifel. It has been reported here some lines of up to 30 km would run to reach emergency services pharmacy. A pharmacy on site with 24-hour service could bring great benefits for less mobile people. Dreyer promised to engage in this regard for an enhanced dialogue between ROWA and the pharmacists.