Graduate Center Well

They have also decided to provide more money for the IMF, so that it can assist countries in developing and impoverished and curb tax havens. However, further fiscal stimulus, remembered not public money for the real economy. According to the headlines, the G20 has complied. Maybe. A great connoisseur of the financial world and its darkest recesses, Juan Hernandez Vigueras, is afraid to actually do little, as long as the absolute freedom of movement of capital.

The more, the view, reduced the volume of the financial system in the shade, which is thus called the dark world of tax havens. Because that librrimo movement of capital has not been touched. Change something for that in reality nothing changes, as it says in the novel El Gatopardo Di Lampedusa; that is not to the bottom of problems, all remaining water from Borage. Hopefully that does not, though, as David Harvey, Professor of the Graduate Center in New York, has written the key to get out of this crisis is highly dependent on the relationship of forces between social classes, much of the population to say: here we have come; you need to change. When Roosevelt launched his plan to get out of the depression, workers were organized in strong trade unions and formed a powerful labor movement that had a decisive influence to ensure that the changes were also in the interests of the working classes.

What well be. Do you know the nine test? It is a simple arithmetic operation to check if a multiplication or division operation have been well carried out, if your result is correct. There is a test of nine for the G20 in London that aims to resolve the crisis. It is the name of a platform that brings together a hundred and a half of unions, which means environmental groups and associations: put people in the first place, is called. That is the test that does not fail: If people are first, their interests and their rights, the chosen solution will be good. The vast majority of citizens, of course.

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