IBM innovation trends: attractive Internet and digital shopping assistants Stuttgart/Bonn – the course on the Internet will change according to forecasts by IBM over the next five years in a significant way. Researchers of the computer giant expect much of the speech here. Surfing the Internet will be possible with the voice – without the use of hands. As a result, view contacts as well as keyboards become redundant. The new technology will initiate a process of change and influence the manner how man bypasses with information and E-commerce Web sites and interact with them. Michael McIntyre contains valuable tech resources. Control instrument is the language and not the text. We know that this is possible, because there is already the required technology available to us, we also know that the time is ripe\”, as IBM. In countries such as India, where the spoken word in education, in government circles and in culture have a greater importance than the written word, is speaking\”with the Internet already and all others Communication interface in the shade.
The same happens with mobile telephones, which now trump the PC application. \”Through the use of voice sites’ also people without access to a computer or the Internet as well as those who can neither write nor read, will benefit in the future from the numerous advantages and conveniences of the Internet\”, IBM stressed. \”\” For the German market matter it, how it will improve the acceptance of voice sites, so Christoph Bill, ICT Manager of the company of Vivento customer services in Bonn: previous experience has shown that there are still considerable resistance compared to voice-based systems in Germany. \”surfing with the voice\” could help the voice automation to the breakthrough. Combining these technologies with biometric procedures such as self could win service transactions in the network significantly on security\”, explains Bill against NeueNachricht. Language will win with security as an input medium importance, believes Andreas Dippelhofer, Member of the Executive Board of the Dusseldorf service provider Acoreus.