This process is going through a rarefied atmosphere tense and not far from 11 months, where the public university is immersed in the middle of that climate, nothing enlightening and completely aloof to what should be a good marketing communication, which discredits and criticizes the student opposition movement (peaceful and democratic) was accused of several ways: by not knowing what it wants, act “radical” to manipulate and confuse … But critics should not focus only on bad communication policy of the “Bologna process”, but by the struggle and defense of a public university, critical and free, as opposed to a model that seeks to impose a commercialized university that focuses on holistic education for students, but in the creation of false stereotypes entropic and dehumanized.

The question: What is the relationship between Bologna plan with the European Round Table (European Round Table a “ERT)? In 1995, The Round Table of European Employers (ERT by its acronym in English). ERT business lobby (Created in 1983 – Only a member of invitation) brings together approximately 45 presidents and CEOs of large multinational companies covering different industrial and technological sectors. As manifested in its portal, the ERT member companies contribute to the GDP of the EU in amounts that exceed the GDP of 21 of the 27 Member States. The magazine of the Centre for Research and Consumer Information (CRIC – clarifies this link in one of his articles. In 1998, representatives of higher education in France, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom signed the Sorbonne Declaration, pledging to create a common space that favored both external recognition as student mobility and employment opportunities.

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