
Good and long-lasting innovations however only succeed, if you know the needs of the customer and included them in the production of high quality saunas. “Through the short path production 74336 Brackenheim and direct sales by consultant embedded firmly in the company, the customer needs and demands can BEMBERG before place” discuss and gather to implement them in the work itself. Thanks to the very high manufacturing depth in Brackenheim with over 75% succeeded to develop, produce and offer offer alternatives appropriate to. Increasingly, customers choose a massive sauna consists of boards; because you want to not forgo the beneficial natural sauna climate. However, the modern customer wants no chunky block”built for centuries. Therefore has the production log saunas with tie rods and overhangs served with us, to satisfy the customers in relation to individual and extravagant forms of cabin. Today, the timber sauna is constructed through a special technique and procedure. “” Through the use of heart-separate sections (= the heartwood), naturally 58 mm strong, double tongue and Groove planks sauna in the beautiful post latch optics creates “special permanent connections of boards, without using glue, the individual sections can move freely” doppelte-tongue and Groove ensures the tightness of cabin and hold harmless therefore the high loads.

Alone the look speaks for itself wellness with natural pure test at BEMBERG and market observations have shown that the use of heart-separate skand. Planks with 58 mm ensures the longevity and that desired climate and of course lower energy consumption can be achieved by customers. Therefore, it is aware on the thinner variant of 45 mm”dispensed with; that is of course cheaper, but from the perspective of many customers is only a compromise. The timber sauna from can is for very demanding customers. Hemlock FIR made, also 58 mm strongly and not thin veneer on a mounting plate glued, which solid wood faking.

The heart of each sauna is, of course, the climate system installed. How the car to distinguish the chassis (= carcass of the sauna) and then the machine (= air conditioning system). “” BEMBERG offers its customers in addition to the classic heater of the already 1968 itself developed rear air conditioning system soft-feeling “at an alternative for more oxygen, more even air distribution and thus a lower cardiovascular load in the cabin and with energy savings of approximately 20% compared to our normal heater, a boon to the stressful everyday life”. Both systems furnace as well as rear wall”be expanded today by the soft steam bath, which generates a controlled humidity up to 50% at 50. The crowning glory is the tripple “solution since October 1, 2007, i.e. sauna & infrared and soft steam bath in a cabin.” To stop the constant question, what is better? Infrared? or soft steam bath? Of course in our Leigh of Bohlen sauna”the solution on which the sauna buyers waited long has. As a service and service provider BEMBERG wants to express but never a specific system, form, or even design his customers in the eye”. The customer is the focal point for us and has entitled his individual performances be objectively examined and evaluated by us on their feasibility. BEMBERG the sauna ProFi then wishes thanks to his know-how”for over 57 years. Please visit the website: or write an email:. The qualified expert advisors look forward to a phone call or an email. Brackenheim, December 01, 2007

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